ATU Computing Sciences Students Present Projects

Computing Sciences Capstone Presentations Spring 2024
Members of the Arkansas Tech University Division of Computing Sciences took a group photo after capstone project presentations to close out the spring 2024 semester.

Twelve teams of Arkansas Tech University computing sciences students presented their capstone projects at Chambers Cafeteria West Dining Room at the close of the spring 2024 semester.

“It’s inspiring to see our students create such diverse and practical projects,” said Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh, ATU assistant professor of computing sciences and mentor for the student teams. “Their dedication and teamwork are evident in every presentation and I am very excited that they get to share their work with everyone.”

Below are the names of each project, the names of the students who developed them and a brief description of each project:

AdviSync – Spencer Anderson, Nathan Doyle, Wilson Escobar and Devin Sandlin developed an advising application that streamlines the process for both advisors and advisees.

PyroScan – A wildfire direction detection application running on a drone, created by Timothy Johnson, Parker Padgett and Derek Thompson, PyroScan provides an innovative approach to early wildfire detection. This project has already been accepted for publication by IEEE, showcasing its innovative design and potential impact.

Wick Programming Language – Developed by Evelin Cerros-Patricio, Evan Keathley, Lisset Luna and Braden Pierce, this new programming language aims to be easier to read and learn, offering an accessible entry point for aspiring coders.

River Valley Art Center Webpage – Meghan Bledsoe, Patrick Freeman, Edgar Gonzalez and Nathan Spears revamped the River Valley Art Center’s website, providing a modern and user-friendly interface for visitors and art lovers.

BazToGo – Nathan Gilbert, Alexander McCutcheon and Braden Prather created an order-ahead application for Baswell Techionery at ATU, integrating with multiple vendors and point-of-sale systems. The BazToYou extension allows students to deliver food while picking up their own orders, promoting a sense of community on campus.

Binder – This book suggestion app, developed by Madelyn Little, Alex Bales, Lindsey Davenport and Tyler Peaster, offers personalized recommendations based on user preferences, providing a unique twist for book lovers.

ATU Nav – Curtis Short, L.J. Hough and Jacob Williford designed a shortest path walking guide for the ATU campus, helping students and visitors navigate the campus with ease.

ResLife Task Management System – Developed by Hiromi Honda, Saori Kojima and Zurab Sabakhtarishvili, this project offers a comprehensive task management system for ATU’s Department of Residence Life, helping streamline operations and improve communication.

JSPER – Meg Finn, Zach Zolliecoffer, Zach Judy and Adam Rusterholz created an artificial intelligence-based application that generates images based on user preferences, allowing users to create personalized artworks in various styles.

ATU Events – This project, developed by Victoria McNully and Kyle Rachel, is an app that organizes and displays all the events happening on campus, making it easier for students to stay informed and connected.

SpotOn – A solar-powered pet collar, designed by Caleb McClure, Corey Naegle, Holden O’Neal and Chase Tallon, helps locate lost pets with GPS tracking and solar power to keep the battery charged.

Petter: Pet Care App – Created by Jeff Cardinale and Ricardo Rivera, Petter stores information about pets, helps find veterinarians and parks and connects with other pet owners nearby.

“The capstone project presentations were very impressive, both in the range of ideas investigated and the depth and sophistication of the projects that were developed,” said Dr. John Krohn, associate dean for the ATU College of STEM and head of the ATU Department of Engineering and Computing Sciences. “Several of the projects held the potential for commercialization. We look forward to continued excellence in these presentations from our students.”

Learn more about the ATU Division of Computing Sciences at