Arkansas veterans have the opportunity to attend a free series of webinars through the Arkansas Small Business Technology Development Center. The first seminar covers financing options for small businesses and is scheduled to take place this evening.
The webinars are offered the second and fourth Tuesday of the month, and the series will run through the month of October.
Each seminar is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. and lasts approximately one hour.
The seminars are designed to provide veterans with resources to help grow small businesses within the state.
Some of the topics covered during the webinars include starting a business in Arkansas, marketing with social media and how to write a business plan.
Organizers say each webinar is taught by either an ASBTDC consultant or a Certified Business Advisor. Additionally, each webinar host is also a veteran.
Each session is available for veterans free of charge. Learn more about the sessions.
The regional office of the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center is housed at Arkansas Tech, and it is designed to assist new, existing and expanding businesses by offering a variety of services including consulting, training and market research.