The deadline is today for students wishing to apply for Student Government Association. Applications must be completed by 5 p.m. and turned in at the Office of Student Services.
Application packets are available in the Office of Student Services. Elections will be held Wednesday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in Doc’s Place.
Students must have a cumulative 2.25 Grade Point Average (GPA) and be enrolled as a full-time student. Those elected will serve for one year, and the term will begin immediately following the election.
The following seats are available and will be voted on during the election:
- 3 Freshman Senators
- 1 Junior Senator
- 1 Senior Senator
- 1 College of Applied Science Senator
- 1 College of Education Senator
- 1 Graduate College Senator
- 1 Natural and Health Science Senator
- 1 College of Professional Studies and Community Outreach Senator
- Secretary of Public Relations (Executive Board position)
The Arkansas Tech Student Government Association is the governing body of the students, and SGA meets every Wednesday at noon in the Doc Bryan Student Services Building.
Visit the SGA website to learn more about the Arkansas Tech SGA.