Incoming Freshmen Attend Orientation

Incoming Arkansas Tech freshmen were greeted by cheers as they arrived on campus today for the first of six summer orientation sessions.

During each orientation session, the incoming students will have the opportunity to connect with students at Arkansas Tech and learn about numerous services and organizations available for students.

There are two types of orientation sessions being offered.  Two of the sessions are overnight sessions, and students will have the opportunity to stay in an Arkansas Tech University residence hall.  Additionally, there are also four one-day sessions.

Additional orientation dates include:

  • Thursday, June 9 – Friday June 10
  • Thursday, June 30
  • Monday, June 27 – Tuesday, June 28
  • Friday, July 8
  • Tuesday, July 26

Each session cost $25, and the fee includes an orientation t-shirt, meals, orientation materials and admission to a separate orientation for parents.

To register to attend one of the orientation sessions contact Jenny Butler at 479-968-0276 or jbutler1@atu.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Be sure to log back on for more about orientation.
