More than 50 entering freshmen at Arkansas Tech will spend the night on the Tech campus Monday evening as part of an overnight orientation session. The session is one of several opportunities entering freshmen will have to become more familiar with the campus throughout the summer.
During the overnight orientation sessions, students have the opportunity to learn more about college life by spending the night in an Arkansas Tech residence hall.
As part of the activities planned, students hear advice on how to prepare for college and what services are available for Arkansas Tech students.
Part of the orientation programming also focuses on Tech spirit, as the students learn about the tradition of the Wonder Boys and Golden Suns.
Several other orientation dates are planned including:
- Thursday, June 30
- Friday, July 8
- Tuesday, July 26
Each session costs $25, and the fee includes an orientation t-shirt, meals, orientation materials and admission to a separate orientation for parents.
To register to attend one of the orientation sessions contact Jenny Butler at 479-968-0276 or jbutler1@atu.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Be sure to log back on for more about orientation.