Walton Foundation Gives $294K to Tech

The Walton Family Foundation has made a gift of $294,000 to Arkansas Tech University to support the development of public school leaders through the Arkansas Tech Center for Leadership and Learning (CLL).
The donation will be used to fund the Arkansas Tech CLL Leader to Leader programs for school superintendents and principals. Forty school leadership personnel from around the state are enrolled in the program during the 2011-12 academic year.

Accepting the donation on behalf of Arkansas Tech were (photographed, from left): Dr. Robert C. Brown, Arkansas Tech president; Dr. Mary Gunter, dean of the Arkansas Tech Graduate College; and Dr. John W. Watson, Arkansas Tech vice president for academic affairs.
In a letter addressed to Dr. Brown, The Walton Family Foundation Executive Director Buddy D. Philpot wrote that he was “pleased to enclose a grant from The Walton Family Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $294,000 to Arkansas Tech University to continue its work in developing strong district and school leaders for Arkansas public schools.”
Participants in the superintendent and principal Leader to Leader programs at Arkansas Tech gather for meetings throughout the academic year to learn new techniques in school administration and share information about their common challenges and solutions.
Dr. Merle Dickerson, superintendent of the Van Buren School District, serves as director for the Leader to Leader programs at Arkansas Tech. Dr. Gunter provides oversight for the university.
“On behalf of the Arkansas Tech Graduate College and the Arkansas Tech Center for Leadership and Learning, I express my appreciation to The Walton Family Foundation for its support of the Leader to Leader programs at Arkansas Tech,” said Gunter. “Leader to Leader is a professional development opportunity for school leadership personnel that is making a difference for K-12 education in our state. Arkansas Tech is proud to be in a position to offer the Leader to Leader programs, and we are grateful to The Walton Family Foundation for making it possible.”
Visit www.waltonfamilyfoundation.org to learn more about The Walton Family Foundation, and visit www.atu.edu/cll to learn more about the Arkansas Tech Center for Leadership and Learning.
