Arkansas Tech Students in Free Enterprise are hoping to top last year’s efforts in the “Let’s Can Hunger” food collection with more events this year, including the “Hunger Banquet” and community food drives.
SIFE members set up a collection site at Kroger on Sunday and collected a significant amount of food. They will set up again Saturday, Nov. 12 at Cash Saver in Russellville from 7 a.m.-noon.
The Hunger Banquet will be co-hosted by Phi Mu, Agri Club and SIFE on Thursday, Nov. 17. At 6 p.m. Tickets are on sale now. The cost to attend is $1 and two canned food items.
“The Hunger Banquet” is an informational program developed by Oxfam America used to promote literacy of poverty, war and the inability for families to buy food.
Attendees will draw for a seat at the door. Fifteen percent of attendees will draw a “First Class” ticket, 35 percent will draw a “Middle Class” ticket and 50 percent will draw a “Lower Class” ticket. A short program will discuss issues facing developing countries.
“Few attendees will leave the banquet with a full stomach, but all will possess a greater understanding of hunger and poverty and be motivated to do something to help,” said Lindsey Falkenstein, SIFE president.
Last year, SIFE collected more than 7,500 pounds of food and donated it to Main Street Mission in Russellville. The goal for the year is collect 10,000 pounds of non-perishable food.