Arkansas Tech University student Cassie Loy will perform her senior trumpet recital at Witherspoon Auditorium in Russellville on Thursday, March 8. Loy will be accompanied by pianist Dr. Tim Smith, associate professor of music at Arkansas Tech. The performance will begin at 7:30 p.m. Admission will be free and open to the public. A native of Hot Springs, Loy is majoring in instrumental music education at Arkansas Tech. She chose the university based upon her experiences at band camp and recommendations of the Arkansas Tech music program from her high school band directors. “I have really enjoyed being a part of the music department here at Tech,” said Loy. “There is a sense of closeness and caring between students and faculty that is very positive and encouraging.” Loy will perform works by Halsey Stevens, Pierre Gabaye and Joseph Horowitz on Thursday, but she says she is most looking forward to playing “Miss Blue Bonnet” by composer Frank Simon. “It is reminiscent of the cornet solos written by Herbert L. Clarke,” said Loy. In addition to Smith, Loy will also be accompanied by trombonist Zach Whitworth, horn player Kelci Litterell, tuba player Dennis Valley and trumpeter Christina Koch during her recital. Loy intends to teach either elementary music or some grade level of band following her graduation from Arkansas Tech. For more information about the Arkansas Tech Department of Music, visit or call (479) 968-0368.