Students Prepare for Zombie Apocalypse

Student organizations have teamed up to bring a Zombie Apocalypse to the Arkansas Tech campus next week.

The week will kick off Monday at the Hindsman Bell Tower from noon to 2 p.m. An informational meeting will be held Monday at 5 p.m. in the Doc Bryan Lecture Hall. Information regarding rules and items needed for each event will be disseminated at the meeting.

Students will be at the Hindsman Bell Tower again on Tuesday from 12:20-2:20 p.m. explaining to passersby how to survive a zombie attack, and on Wednesday for “Zombie Fest.”

There will be a movie marathon on Thursday, and students can view the following movies at no cost: “Shaun of the Dead” at 4 p.m., “Dawn of the Dead” at 6 p.m., “Land of the Dead” at 8 p.m., and “Night of the Living Dead” at 10 p.m. All movies will be in the Doc Bryan Lecture Hall.

The Zombie Fiesta will be Friday in the Baswell Techionery from 9 p.m. to midnight.

To register for the zombie games, click here. Students must register online to play the game.

The events will be sponsored by Student Activities Board, the International and Multicultural Student Services Office, Greek Life, and the International Association of Emergency Managers.

For more information, contact Steven Sola at
