Volunteer Note Takers Needed

swilson8@atu.edu. Requirements for becoming a note taker through the Office of Disability Services are:

  • Attend class regularly
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Provide copies of your notes to Disability Services within one working day
Note takers are needed for the following courses:
  • BIOL 1114-001, Principles of Biology; Meets T/R at 11 a.m., McEver 172
  • BIOL Lab; Meets W at 2 p.m., McEver 101
  • CHEM 1113-003, Survey of Chemistry; Meets MWF at Noon, McEver 7
  • CHEM 1111-013, Survey of Chemistry Lab; Meets F at 3 p.m., McEver 16
  • ANTH 2003-002, Cultural Anthropology; Meets MWF at 1 p.m., Witherspoon 368
  • GEOG 2013-M02, Regional Geography of the World; Meets MWF at 9 a.m., Rothwell 221
  • LBMD 2001-001, Introduction to Library Resources; Meets R at 10 a.m., RPL 334
  • HIST 1513-001, World Civilization II; Meets TR at 11 a.m., Witherspoon 273
  • SEED 2002-003, Introduction to Secondary Education; Meets W at 10 a.m., Crabaugh 221