The Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center at Arkansas Tech University will play host to its Human Library 2016 event on Tuesday, Nov. 1, and Wednesday, Nov. 2, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m in RPL room 300.
Information from the library staff defines a human library as an opportunity for an individual to tell his or her story to an audience in much the same fashion as an author would share a story with a reader.
Human Library 2016 will feature stories about diversity and inclusion. Each story is scheduled to last approximately 30 minutes. All students, faculty, staff and members of the community are invited to attend.
Below are the titles and brief descriptions, as provided by the library staff, for Human Library 2016 at the Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center.
28 Hundred Days Later
The story of a Belgian immigrant’s relocation to Russellville from the evacuation of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina
From Graduate School to Home School
The journey of a woman having little knowledge of home schooling, to having four children, to schooling them at home
Global Warming
One man’s mission to live using carbon free, sustainable energy resources and to educate others of the real threat global warming has to climatic stability
My Chair: How I Earned My Seat in the Circle
The story of a single mother’s journey through addiction and into recovery who is in graduate school working hard to become an educator.
A Path of Darkness
A young veteran’s trek out of the darkness to seeing the light
For more information about Human Library 2016, contact Sherry Tinerella at or (479) 964-0571.