Arkansas Tech University has new mission and vision statements following action by the institution’s Board of Trustees during its monthly meeting on Wednesday.
The statements were drafted by trustees during a board retreat in August. Members of the university community had an opportunity to review the drafts and provide feedback through an online form during the month of September.
The new mission statement for Arkansas Tech is:
Arkansas Tech University is dedicated to student success, access, and excellence as a responsive campus community providing opportunities for progressive intellectual development and civic engagement. Embracing and expanding upon its technological traditions, Tech inspires and empowers members of the community to achieve their goals while striving for the betterment of Arkansas, the nation, and the world.
The new vision statement for Arkansas Tech is:
Arkansas Tech University: where students succeed, innovation thrives, and communities flourish.
Trustees gave their permission for several new educational opportunities for Arkansas Tech students during Wednesday’s meeting. Their academic approvals included:
*a program proposal from the College of Business for a new Master of Business Administration degree, effective fall 2017;
*a letter of notification from the College of eTech seeking to establish a concentration in child development within the Bachelor of Professional Studies degree, effective summer 2017;
*a letter of notification from the College of eTech requesting a new undergraduate certificate program in professional leadership, effective summer 2017;
*a letter of notification from the College of Education concerning a graduate certificate program in advising that would provide students seeking career opportunities at all levels of education with an additional credential opportunity, effective fall 2017;
*a letter of notification from the College of Education proposing a graduate certificate program in online teaching for individuals who wish to provide K-12 education through distance learning, effective summer 2017;
*and letters of intent-E requesting a pair of licensure endorsements, one in birth to kindergarten licensure and one in kindergarten to sixth grade/seventh grade to 12th grade licensure, that would be made available to individuals seeking an additional credential in the realm of special education, effective spring 2017.
In other business on Wednesday, the Arkansas Tech Board of Trustees approved:
*River Valley Realty of Russellville to provide real estate brokerage and marketing services to Arkansas Tech;
*Polk Stanley Wilcox of Little Rock as the architectural firm for a campus master plan project and a transfer of up to $375,000 from the university’s strategic plan initiative fund for the project;
*adoption of a bond continuing disclosure policy for the university;
*a transfer of $100,000 from the unappropriated educational and general fund balance to fund construction of a gaming room, printing room, conference room, motion caption lab and meeting/teaching room to serve the needs of the game and interactive media design degree program inside the university property located at 1111 N. Arkansas Ave.;
*a transfer of $235,007 from the unappropriated educational and general fund balance to fund renovations at the Administration Building;
*a transfer of $206,000 from the unappropriated educational and general fund balance that will be paired with a $150,000 grant from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department to construct a pedestrian and bicycle path that will allow individuals to travel from North Glenwood Avenue on the Arkansas Tech campus to the new Russellville Aquatic Center and Bona Dea Trails;
*beginning the architectural selection process for proposed renovations at Williamson Hall with a scope of work that includes a new collaborative classroom with capacity seating for 30 students on the first floor, an elevator and elevator lobby, additional storage space, technology and infrastructure upgrades, fire protection and safety improvements, heating, ventilation and air conditioning enhancements, ducting improvements, electrical service upgrades and door improvements to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements;
*a transfer of $600,000 from the unappropriated educational and general fund balance to provide for items submitted by departments and offices through the extraordinary budget request process, a list of items that includes instruction equipment, technology, video production equipment and band uniforms;
*and renewal of health, dental, life and disability coverage with Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and USAble for the 2017 calendar year with an 8.8 percent plan increase.
In personnel matters, the following full-time faculty members were hired for the 2016-17 academic year:
*Lance Davis, workforce education faculty in criminal justice at Arkansas Tech Career Center; Dr. Aboozar Mosleh, visiting assistant professor of electrical engineering; Santoshi Nandivada, assistant professor of physics; Dr. Nansong Wu, assistant professor of electrical engineering; and Dr. Kaiman Karen Zeng, visiting assistant professor of electrical engineering.
Trustees approved the employment of the following full-time staff members:
*Wendy Condley, interim administrative assistant to the president and secretary to the Board of Trustees, effective Oct. 20, 2016; Dr. Beth Giroir, interim assistant vice president for student success initiatives, effective Sept. 12, 2016; Courtney Kline, academic advisor, effective Sept. 1, 2016; Alicen McMahan, associate director of financial aid at Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus, effective Sept. 12, 2016; Peggy Mitchell-Ferris, director of planned giving, effective Oct. 31, 2016; Megan Morris, academic advisor, effective Sept. 1, 2016; Susie Nicholson, NCAA compliance officer and assistant affirmative action officer, effective Sept. 1, 2016; Amy Pennington, interim vice president for student services, effective Sept. 1, 2016; Scott Tomlin, interim director of Roy and Christine Sturgis Academic Advising Center, effective Oct. 4, 2016, to Dec. 31, 2016 (will resume position as academic advisor as of Jan. 3, 2017); Jennifer Warren, assistant director of procurement, effective Aug. 30, 2016; and Brandy Wells, career developmental facilitator through Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus, effective Oct. 3, 2016.
The board accepted the resignations of the following employees:
*Dr. Daniel Bullock, associate professor of electrical engineering, effective Sept. 9, 2016; Brittny Daubenheyer, assistant to the president and secretary to the board of trustees, effective Oct. 19, 2016; Dr. Roger Fang, professor of computer and information science, effective Dec. 17, 2016; and Dr. Robert Frasier, associate professor of mechanical engineering, effective Oct. 14, 2016.
The board approved a change in assignment for Aaron Jones, who stepped down from his full-time appointment as coordinator of alumni communications and activities and will serve as a part-time employee in alumni communications from Oct. 3, 2016, through Nov. 30, 2016, in order to ensure continuity of online alumni services until a full-time replacement can be hired.
The following retirements were accepted by trustees:
*Tekla Barr, workforce education faculty in English and business technology at Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus, effective Dec. 16, 2016; Linda Buckholtz, assistant professor of nursing, effective May 13, 2017; Dr. Jim Collins, professor of agriculture, effective May 13, 2017; and Ron Robison, associate professor of computer and information science, effective Dec. 31, 2016.