Arkansas Tech University has been selected as one of the best institutions for intramural sports in the United States. considered factors such as efficient team and activity organization, appropriate sports facilities and number and frequency of programs in building its list.
Intramural programs at ATU are organized and executed by the ATU Office of Campus Recreation.
Learning objectives developed for intramural sports at ATU include taking an active role in personal wellness (emotional, physical and spiritual) in support of a healthy lifestyle, demonstration of skills and behaviors that contribute to successful work-related outcomes and the development of positive leadership skills that contribute to the organizational effectiveness of each club sport.
Planned intramural sports at ATU during spring 2019 include 5-on-5 basketball, doubles table tennis, indoor volleyball, ultimate frisbee, indoor soccer, bowling, doubles tennis, dodgeball, golf, bubble soccer, billiards and softball.
Learn more about intramural sports at ATU.
Access the ranking for intramural programs.