Graduate Students Present Research Virtually

Tomlinson Hall
Tomlinson Hall

The Arkansas Tech University Graduate College is hosting a virtual graduate student research symposium the week of April 27-May 1.

Video presentations from the following students will be available for viewing in three different categories. The students are listed with the degree each is pursuing and the titles of their presentations.

3-Minute Thesis

Chris Casey, Emergency Management and Homeland Security
“Assessing Cybersecurity Mitigation Efforts in Nonprofit Organizations”

Biruk Mekonnen, Information Technology
“Watering Hole Cyber Attack on the United States Department of Labor”

15-Minute Presentation

Satya Batchu, Information Technology
“Neural Disorder Diagnosing System”

Araks Ohanyan, Fisheries and Wildlife Science
“Age and Sex-Specific Habitat Use and Survival of Rusty Blackbirds in Arkansas”

Kalina Smith, Liberal Arts
“Feminist Pedagogy”

Lisa Stanley, Strength and Conditioning
“Recovery Methods for Running Aerobic Endurance Athletes”

Aaron Tormanen, Fisheries and Wildlife Science
“The Impacts of Prescribed Burning and Mechanical Thinning on Insect Communities in the Arkansas Ozarks”

Poster Presentation

Michael Ikwuyum, Electrical Engineering
“Fabrication and Characterization of PEDOT PSS Films for Organic Solar Cells”

The presentations are available for viewing at