ATU Students Win National FBLA Collegiate Honors

ATU Delegation to 2024 FBLA National Leadership Conference
Photographed, from left-to-right: (front row) Blake Hudson, Meghan Bledsoe, Tibor Hollmann, Julia Matteson, Shayla Miller; (back row) Dean Tracy Cole, Arkansas Tech University College of Business and Economic Development, Jordyn Barnett, Tremaine Smith, Olivia Johnson, Ruth Musgrove, Morgan Blamey and Ellena Tyree.

Three Arkansas Tech University students earned awards at the 2024 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Leadership Conference this summer in Orlando, Fla.

Senior Julia Matteson of Centerton won first place in the national foundations of management competition, while junior Tibor Hollmann of Joshua, Texas, finished fifth in the national hospitality administration event.

Olivia Johnson of Pottsville, a 2024 graduate of Arkansas Tech and current Master of Business Administration student at ATU, was one of six students in the nation recognized by Office Depot with an award for leadership and service to FBLA. Johnson has served as president of the FBLA Collegiate chapter at Arkansas Tech.

Matteson, Hollmann and Johnson were joined at the 2024 FBLA National Leadership Conference by fellow ATU students Jordyn Barnett of Vilonia, Morgan Blamey of Scranton, Meghan Bledsoe of Springdale, Blake Hudson of Omaha, Shayla Miller of Nashville, Tremaine Smith of San Antonio, Texas, Ruth Musgrove of Dover and Ellena Tyree of Augusta.

Tracy Cole, dean of the ATU College of Business and Economic Development, and Dr. Jay Post, ATU associate professor of tourism, led the Arkansas Tech delegation at the conference.

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