ABB Directs $10,000 in Scholarship Funds to ATU-Ozark

Photographed (from left-to-right): Greg Dawson, ABB human resources business partner; Justin Smith, ATU-Ozark chief business and community outreach officer; Bruce Sikes, ATU-Ozark chancellor; Dexter Lekwa, ABB plant manager; Dr. Sheila Jacobs, ATU-Ozark chief academic officer; and Barry Bateman, ABB continuous improvement manager. All COVID-19 protocols were followed during this meeting. Face coverings were worn before and after the photo was taken.

The long-term partnership between Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus and ABB Ozark is creating new scholarship opportunities.

Ten ATU-Ozark students studying computer science, logistics management and industrial maintenance will each receive a $1,000 scholarship from the Baldor District Managers Association (BDMA) as a result of an award won by ABB Ozark.

“ABB Ozark is a valued member of the Arkansas River Valley community and ATU-Ozark appreciates the leadership of Dexter Lekwa and his ABB team,” said Bruce Sikes, ATU-Ozark chancellor. “Their support builds on sustaining our communities and we are grateful again for ABB’s vision and leadership. Automation and the technology advancements utilized in today’s manufacturing provides good paying jobs. The skills sets are desired not only by ABB, but also across our region. Again, ABB has shown their willingness to lead in captivating and capturing our future automation talent pool. ATU-Ozark provides the highest level of automation training and it is our privilege to serve ABB and our manufacturing community.”

The BDMA is composed of 14 district offices around the nation. BDMA is separate from ABB but its members sell ABB products exclusively.

Every year, BDMA selects an ABB manufacturing plant that best exemplifies the ideals of providing value and customer service. In 2021, ABB Ozark won the award for a second consecutive year and for the sixth time since the honor was created in 1995.

The winning plant selects a non-profit organization to receive $10,000 from BDMA. ABB Ozark chose scholarships for ATU-Ozark students as the best use of those funds this year.

“This scholarship contribution to the ATU Foundation is reflective of ABB’s commitment to the mission of the Ozark Education and Industry 360 Partnership to promote workforce and economic development in Ozark and throughout the region and state of Arkansas,” said Dr. Sheila Jacobs, ATU-Ozark chief academic officer. “All of us at ATU-Ozark are grateful for ABB’s continued leadership, partnership and support of our students and future workforce.”

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