Agricultural educators representing eight states convened at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville June 19-30 to participate in the 2022 Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Institute hosted by the ATU Department of Agriculture.
The K-12 teachers in attendance engaged in a full academic year of labs and activities over a span of eight days. As a result, the teachers are now prepared to deliver the agriculture power and technology curriculum they covered to their students.
Dr. Bryan Rank, assistant professor of agricultural education at ATU, said the agriculture power and technology course counts as a mathematics credit toward high school graduation in Arkansas.
Rank was the ATU representative who oversaw and helped facilitate the institute. Mark Meyer, agriscience teacher at Marion High School in Kansas, and Carroll Mercer, agriculture teacher at Fountain Lake High School in Arkansas, served as institute instructors.
Participants in the 2022 CASE Institute at ATU represented Arkansas, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Wyoming.
According to information provided by the national organization, CASE Institute sessions “provide teachers important background related to the pedagogy used in CASE curricula and practice teaching various lessons to prepare them for classroom instruction.”
Learn more at www.atu.edu/case.