Twenty-eight K-12 robotics teams from Arkansas qualified for the 2025 VEX Robotics World Championships during the state championships at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville March 11-15.
The advancing teams will compete at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, May 9-14.
The ATU robotics team has qualified for the 2025 world championships at the collegiate level.
Below are the K-12 teams from Arkansas who are moving on to the 2025 VEX Robotics World Championships:
Elementary VIQRC
East Hills Middle School, Greenwood (1 team)
International Studies Magnet School, Jonesboro (1 team)
Health, Wellness and Environmental Studies Magnet, Jonesboro (1 team)
St. John’s Catholic School, Russellville (1 team)
Episcopal Collegiate School, Little Rock (1 team)
Bright Field Middle School, Bentonville (1 team)
Middle School VIQRC
Greenwood Junior High (1 team)
East End Middle School (1 team)
J. William Fulbright Junior High, Bentonville (2 teams)
Bethel Middle School, Bryant (1 team)
Middle School V5RC
Cabot Junior High North (1 team)
Russellville Junior High (2 teams)
Bryant Junior High (1 team)
Annie Camp Junior High, Jonesboro (1 team)
Pinnacle View Middle School, Little Rock (1 team)
High School V5RC
Bryant High School (1 team)
Conway Area Career Center (1 team)
Cabot High School (2 teams)
Bentonville West High School (4 teams)
Russellville High School (1 team)
The Academies at Jonesboro High School (1 team)
Sheridan High School (1 team)
VEX Robotics competitions are presented by the Robotics Education and Competition (REC) Foundation. The foundation’s stated mission is “to increase student interest and involvement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by engaging students in hands-on, affordable and sustainable robotics engineering programs.”
The ATU robotics team and advisor Jacob Weidenfeller take the lead in hosting the annual Arkansas state championships at Arkansas Tech in collaboration with Sarah Jones, REC Foundation regional support manager. Entergy Arkansas provided volunteer judges for the 2025 competitions.
Learn more about the ATU College of STEM at www.atu.edu/stem.