ATU Projects Fighting Food Insecurity Need Volunteers

Volunteers at Green and Gold Cupboard

Volunteers are needed for the food recovery program and the Green and Gold Cupboard, Arkansas Tech University’s initiatives to address food insecurity in Russellville and within the ATU community.

Food recovery from Chambers Cafeteria relies upon ten teams of students, each of which meets once per week for approximately an hour. Leftover food from the cafeteria is provided to non-profit relief organizations in Russellville. During the 2018-19 academic year, ATU provided more than three tons of food to Main Street Mission and Manna House.

Students interested in volunteering for one of the food recovery teams for the fall semester are asked to contact Richie Blackburn at as soon as possible.

The Green and Gold Cupboard is a food pantry located at 1019 N. Arkansas Ave. It provides food and hygiene products to members of the ATU community free of charge. Anyone with a valid ATU identification card (students, staff, faculty and ATU retirees) and a need is welcome to access the cupboard’s resources. Volunteers are needed to weigh donations, stock shelves, keep the building clean and serve clients. Fall 2019 semester hours are Mondays 3-6 p.m., Thursdays 3-6 p.m. and Fridays noon-3 p.m.

Students interested in volunteering for the Green and Gold Cupboard are asked to contact Emilee Smith at