ATU Stands Alone: No Tuition, Mandatory Fees Increase

Hindsman Tower at ATU
File photo of Hindsman Tower at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville.

Arkansas Tech University is the only public, four-year institution of higher education in the State of Arkansas that has committed to zero increase in tuition, mandatory fees and student housing costs for the 2024-25 academic year.

Eight of the state’s other public universities have announced tuition and mandatory fee increases ranging from 2.9 percent to 9 percent for next year.

In April, the ATU Board of Trustees approved proposals to hold tuition, mandatory fees and housing rates steady at Arkansas Tech in 2024-25.

“These are challenging times for the people of Arkansas and their families,” said Dr. Russell Jones, ATU interim president. “The pressure of inflation and other economic factors are forcing Arkansans to make difficult choices. It is important that higher education remains accessible. By doing so, we allow individuals and families to improve their lot in life and we help drive economic development in our state.

“Arkansas Tech University is pleased to be able to hold the line on tuition, mandatory fees and student housing costs for 2024-25,” continued Jones. “This has always been a place of opportunity, and it is important that we remain true to that mission. I invite those who are considering their college choice for fall 2024 to learn more about Arkansas Tech. The caring nature of our faculty and staff, the quality of our programs and the value we offer make ATU a great place to go to school.”

Tuition and mandatory fees at ATU for the 2024-25 academic year will remain below $10,000 for in-state, undergraduate students enrolled in 30 student semester credit hours. That figure is known to be north of $10,000 at four Arkansas public universities for 2024-25.

“I feel good about our improvement in cost of attendance relative to our peer institutions,” said Jones. “We have to generate enough revenue to provide high-caliber programs and maintain our facilities, but we must balance that against what our students and their families can afford. Arkansas Tech will continue to keep that balance at the forefront of its thinking as we strive to maintain our excellent academic reputation and keep an ATU education within reach for the average Arkansas family.”