Students from the Arkansas Tech University College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics were among approximately 70 university students from around the state who participated in 2024 Arkansas STEM Posters at the Capitol on Wednesday, Feb. 14.
The annual event brings undergraduate students together to share their scientific findings with their peers at other universities, legislators and state officials. Eleven institutions of higher learning were represented this year.
“The event was a testament to these students’ dedication and hard work, as well as the commitment of their mentors to nurture their talent and guide them toward success,” said Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh, assistant professor of computing sciences at ATU. “The poster presentations by these student groups were a true reflection of the potential and brilliance of the next generation. Their projects covered a diverse range of important issues and showcased their dedication to creating a better world. It is clear that with the guidance of their mentors, these students will go on to make a significant impact in their respective fields.”
Below are the project titles, student participants and faculty mentors from the ATU delegation at 2024 Arkansas STEM Posters at the Capitol in Little Rock:
“Optimizing Campus Chat Bot Experience: Integrating LLM into University AI Assistants,” presented by Sijan Panday of Euless, Texas, Clayton Jensen of Clarksville and Zurab Sabakhtarishvili of Tbilisi, Georgia. Faculty mentor: Dr. Robin Ghosh.
“Analyzing the Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Cancer Clinical Trials in the U.S. Using Machine Learning,” presented by Krysta Ray of Malvern, Hiromi Honda of Russellville and Musfikur Rahaman of Russellville. Faculty mentor: Dr. Robin Ghosh.
“Neuromorphic Computing for Data Compression,” presented by Margaret Corbett-Strain of Rose Bud. Faculty mentors: Dr. Tolga Ensari and Dr. Burak Berk Ustundag.
“Classification and Segmentation of Material Microstructures Images Using Machine Learning,” presented by Mizanur Rahman of Marion. Faculty mentors: Dr. Tolga Ensari, Dr. Mehmet Halidun Kelestemur and Dr. Soheil Saedi.
“Occluded Traffic Sign Detection with YOLOV3,” presented by Rahanuma Tarannum of Bangladesh. Faculty mentor: Dr. Tolga Ensari.
“Spot On: A Pet Harness using Solar Energy,” presented by Caleb McClure of Russellville, Corey Naegle of Paris, Holden O’Neal of Washburn, Mo., and Chase Tallon of London. Faculty mentor: Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh.
“AdviSync: A Dynamic Academic Course Scheduler,” presented by Spencer Anderson of Russellville, Wilson Escobar of Russellville, Nathan Doyle of Grand Prairie, Texas, and Devin Sandlin of Russellville. Faculty mentor: Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh.
“PyroScan: Wildfire Behavior Prediction System using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV),” presented by Derek Thompson of Greenbrier, Parker Padgett of Russellville and Timothy Johnson of Russellville. Faculty mentor: Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh.
Learn more about the ATU College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at www.atu.edu/stem.