Arkansas Tech University will host its 2021 summer commencement ceremony at Thone Stadium at Buerkle Field in Russellville on Saturday, Aug. 7.
The 10 a.m. ceremony is for students who completed their graduation requirements during the 2021 summer terms at Arkansas Tech.
The event was originally planned for John E. Tucker Coliseum, but it has been moved outdoors to provide graduates, their family members and university representatives with a safer environment relative to COVID-19.
Face coverings are encouraged for those attending the ATU 2021 summer commencement and family units are encouraged to maintain a 6-foot social distance from other parties. The previously announced limit of six family members per graduate has been eliminated due to the venue change.
ATU will confer approximately 1,100 academic credentials upon graduates at the close of its summer 2021 terms. It is estimated that approximately 200 graduates will attend the commencement ceremony.
The ceremony will be live streamed at www.atu.edu/registrar/grad-livestream.php for those unable to attend.
For more information about ATU commencement, visit www.atu.edu/registrar or contact the Office of the Registrar at (479) 968-0272.