Brass in the Clouds Concert Planned for September 21

    Brass in the Clouds 2023
    File photograph from Brass in the Clouds 2023 at Mount Nebo State Park.

    Brass in the Clouds will celebrate its 19th edition when musicians from Arkansas Tech University perform at Mount Nebo State Park on Saturday, Sept. 21, but the event is part of a tradition that dates back more than a century.

    “Back when the Summit Park Hotel was a popular spot in the 1880s and 1890s, the employees of the hotel would go to Sunset Point and perform for the guests of the hotel at dusk,” said Scott Waniewski, Mount Nebo State Park superintendent. “We wanted to try to incorporate a modern program with the history of the park, and (Brass in the Clouds) has been going on now since 2005. It has developed over the years, and it’s a wonderful experience for anyone who wants to enjoy Arkansas Tech’s brass musicians and watch sunset on Mount Nebo.”

    The 2024 Brass in the Clouds concert, co-sponsored by Mount Nebo State Park and the ATU Department of Music, will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21, at Mount Nebo’s Sunset Point. The public is invited to attend.

    ATU brass chamber ensembles will perform under the direction of ATU Department of Music faculty members Dr. Sean Reed, Dr. T.J. Perry, Dr. Ryan Matejek and Evan Mino.

    “I love the experience,” said Reed. “It’s incredible. Watching that sun go down…and just the last sliver of light as we’re trying to time the music perfectly…is really cool. I love watching and listening to all the brass players in the department.”

    Mount Nebo State Park recommends that audience members bring blankets or chairs for seating comfort. No restroom facilities will be available at Sunset Point.

    For more information about the ATU Department of Music, call (479) 968-0368 or visit