Lisa Pittman and Randall Boren May 2022

Pittman Nominated for Nursing Education Award

Lisa Pittman, visiting workforce education faculty of nursing at Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus, was nominated for the 2022 Publishing Concepts Outstanding Nurse Educator Award. Randall Boren, ATU-Ozark student, nominated Pittman for the honor. “The fall semester...
Ambulance Donation Pope County ATU April 2022

Pope County Donates Ambulance to Arkansas Tech

Pope County Judge Ben Cross announced on Monday, May 2, that Pope County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) has donated a retired ambulance for use by local paramedic and emergency medical technician (EMT) students served...
Shauna Graham ArHIMA Student of the Year 2022

Graham Named ArHIMA Student of the Year

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus graduate Shauna Graham of Lamar is the 2022 Arkansas Health Information Management Association student of the year. Graham completed her Associate of Science degree in health information technology from ATU-Ozark in...
ATCC Skills USA Winners April 2022

ATCC Students Collect Honors at SkillsUSA Event

Seven Arkansas Tech Career Center (ATCC) students earned awards during the 2022 Arkansas SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills Conference in Hot Springs April 12-13. Natalie Bates of Russellville, Luis Garcia of Dardanelle, Keith Slaughter of Russellville...
Severe Weather Outlook 4-13-2022

Severe Weather Alert Day: April 13, 2022

The National Weather Service has notified the public that severe thunderstroms are likely in Arkansas on Wednesday, April 13. Arkansas Tech University campuses in Russellville and Ozark are included in a region that faces a...
Patricia McCreary

ATU-Ozark to Remember Pat McCreary April 21

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus will memorialize Patricia Anne McCreary with a tree planting ceremony on Thursday, April 21. The event will begin at 11:30 a.m. on the west side of campus. A Ginkgo biloba tree...
Multiple Ways Receive Warnings NWS

Severe Weather Alert Days: April 11-13, 2022

The National Weather Service has notified the public that severe weather is possible in Arkansas on Monday, April 11, Tuesday, April 12, and Wednesday, April 13. Arkansas Tech University campuses in Russellville and Ozark...
Caden Erskine and Mason Oelke

Local Students Earn Top Prizes at ATU-Ozark FFA Day

Caden Erskine of Greenwood and Mason Oelke of Hackett earned $500 scholarships during the 2022 Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Future Farmers of America Day event. Erskine won the agricultural mechanics competition, while Oelke captured first...
Dr. Kenton Olliff

Mental Health Guest Speaker Moved to April 18

All Arkansas Tech University faculty and staff are invited to attend a presentation by mental health expert Dr. Kenton Olliff on Monday, April 18. This event was originally planned for Monday, April 4, but it...
Library Shelves

Spring 2022 Library Survey Open Through April 15

Arkansas Tech University's libraries on the Russellville and Ozark campuses invite students, faculty, staff and visitors to participate in the spring 2022 ATU libraries survey. The five-minute survey will help the libraries better serve their...