SGA Conducting Senate Elections Through Friday

Arkansas Tech University students on the Russellville campus are selecting new Student Government Association representatives during elections this week. Voting is taking place through 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 5, on theLINK at Below...
Rothwell Hall ATU

AACSB Reaffirms ATU College of Business Accreditation

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has announced that the Arkansas Tech University College of Business has extended its AACSB International accreditation. AACSB first accredited the degree programs in business at...
ABI Logo

Blood Drive at Arkansas Tech Feb. 2-4

The Arkansas Blood Institute will conduct a blood drive at Arkansas Tech University Tuesday, Feb. 2, through Thursday, Feb. 4. The drive will be open 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. daily in the Chambers Cafeteria parking lot,...
Dave Ramsey

Course Shows ATU Students the Path to Prosperity

Arkansas Tech University students have a new resource in developing the financial literacy skills necessary to pursue a secure future. The ATU Department of Campus Life is making the college edition of Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal...
Crabaugh Hall ATU

New Program Supports Diverse Teacher Candidates

Arkansas Tech University is creating new pathways and incentives for individuals from historically underrepresented groups in northwest Arkansas to enter the teaching profession. A $600,000 grant from the Walton Family Foundation at the recommendation...
Tomlinson Hall

TechReady Graduate Tuition Waivers Available

Eligible individuals considering graduate study at Arkansas Tech University may receive a new one-time $500 tuition waiver as an incentive to begin the pursuit of their master's degree. In order to be eligible for...
Eric Burnett

Burnett to Chair ATU Board of Trustees for 2021

Eric Burnett of Fort Smith was elected by his fellow trustees to serve as chairman of the Arkansas Tech University Board of Trustees for the 2021 calendar year during a virtual meeting on Thursday,...
Tom Kennedy

ATU Expresses Thanks to Outgoing Trustee

Tom Kennedy of Little Rock received plaudits for a decade of service on the Arkansas Tech University Board of Trustees during the board’s virtual meeting on Thursday, Jan. 21. Kennedy was first appointed to...
Jim Collins

Collins Honored With Agriculture Classroom Naming

A former member of the Arkansas Tech University faculty was recognized by the ATU Board of Trustees for his financial support of the institution during a virtual meeting of trustees on Thursday, Jan. 21....
Daily Life of Women Cover

ATU Contributes to Women’s History Resource

Current and former Arkansas Tech University faculty members as well as ATU students have lent their expertise and scholarly work to a new book. "Daily Life of Women: An Encyclopedia from Ancient Times to...