Governor Hutchinson ATU Mask April 2020

ATU Athletics Responds to Need for Masks

Approximately 200 masks produced by members of the Arkansas Tech University Department of Athletics family are helping keep Arkansans safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of the masks were distributed to ATU employees...
Michael Leeder

Virtual Open Forum: Michael Leeder

Michael Leeder, candidate for the position of director of athletics at Arkansas Tech University, will participate in a virtual open forum with members of the university community from 11-11:45 a.m. on Thursday, April 16. Click...
Student on Campus at ATU File Photo

ATU to Offer Pass/No Credit Option for Spring 2020

Arkansas Tech University will allow undergraduate and graduate students the option of choosing pass or no credit for their final grades in courses during the spring 2020 semester. The recommendation for the procedure came...
Arkansas Tech University Logo

Leadership Tech Announces Members of Cohort 5

Thirty members of the faculty and staff at Arkansas Tech University have been selected for participation in the fifth cohort of Leadership Tech, a program designed to cultivate leaders from within the ATU faculty...
Ron Prettyman

Virtual Open Forum: Ron Prettyman

Ron Prettyman, candidate for the position of director of athletics at Arkansas Tech University, will participate in a virtual open forum with members of the university community from 11-11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, April 14. Click...
ATU Spirit Squads Wonder Boys Run Out 2019

ATU Announces Cheerleaders, Golden Girls for 2020-21

Thirty-eight individuals have been selected to represent Arkansas Tech University on its 2020-21 spirit squads. The stated mission of the ATU spirit squads is to "emphasize and teach the importance of safety, discipline, school...
Noah Tidmore

Tidmore to Lead ATU SGA in 2020-21

Noah Tidmore has been elected by his peers to serve as president of the Arkansas Tech University Student Government Association during the 2020-21 academic year. A native of Prairie Grove, Tidmore is majoring in...
Never Cargo Logo

ATU’s Walker Finishes Top Three in Governor’s Cup

Arkansas Tech University senior Kerri Walker is more than a top-three finisher in the 2020 Arkansas Governor's Cup competition. She's an entrepreneur on a mission to connect family cattle farms with beef consumers. Her business...
It's On Us Logo

ATU Participating in Virtual It’s On Us Pledge Drive

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2020. To help grow the movement to combat sexual violence while also flattening the COVID-19 curve, Arkansas Tech University is participating in the It's On Us virtual pledge...
Meeting of the Mascots 4-8-2020

Jerry Participates in Zoom Meeting With Peers

All over America, live mascots are missing their college students during the social distancing made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jerry the Bulldog, campus ambassador at Arkansas Tech University, commiserated with his colleagues during...