High school seniors looking for information about paying for college will be able to learn more about the process during an event Sunday on both the Russellville and Ozark campus of Arkansas Tech University.
Both campuses will take part in College Goal Sunday, a nationwide effort to help high school seniors understand the process of applying for federal financial aid.
On College Goal Sunday, financial aid officers from across the country will host events to assist students by answering questions about entering information on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The College Goal Sunday event on the Russellville campus will be in Room 300 South at the Ross Pendergraft Library, while the event on the Ozark Campus will be in the Collegiate Center. Both events will take place from 2-4 p.m.
Officials say students applying for aid for summer, fall and spring of 2012-2013 should bring a copy of their and their parents’ 2011 tax returns and their Personal Identification Numbers (PIN).