Deborah Horn, known to many students and co-workers as Mrs. Debbie, is leaving Tech after five years of dedicated service to the Office of Student Services.
Aside from other duties, Horn goes out of her way to make sure students’ needs are met. She has served all five years as an administrative specialist.
She says one of the things she loves most about Tech is the students. “I work with great people in Student Services, but probably the most enjoyable moments have been meeting the students, getting to know them, helping them and listening to them.”
Travis Flower, SGA President, has worked closely with Horn for the past four years. He prides himself in the opportunity to work with her.
“Miss Debbie has always gone out of her way to do anything she could to help SGA with whatever it is that we happen to need; even things we didn’t know we needed. She has been such a great asset to the Student Services staff and her smiling face and warm welcomes will be missed,” he said.