Foster to Speak About Wildlife Conservation in Arkansas

Dr. Buck Foster
Dr. Buck Foster

The Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center Author Series will present Dr. Buck Foster for a speaking engagement on Thursday, April 3.

Foster will speak at 6 p.m. in room 300 of Pendergraft Library and Technology Center, 305 West Q Street in Russellville. Admission will be free and open to the public.

An historian specializing in 19th century southern United States and Arkansas history, Foster is the author of “So Great Was the Slaughter: Market Hunters, Sportsmen and Wildlife Conservation in Arkansas.”

According to information provided by publisher University of Alabama Press, the book “reveals the untold story of Arkansas conservation pioneers who saved the state’s game and fish populations.”

Foster holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Mississippi State University. He is a senior lecturer at the University of Central Arkansas.

Learn more about Foster’s appearance at ATU by visiting

Contact Luke Heffley, special projects coordinator for Pendergraft Library, at (479) 964-0546 or for more information about the RPL Author Series.