Students enrolled in the Arkansas Tech University Honors Program are growing not only their minds, but their hearts as the give back to the Tech community.
Dr. Jan Jenkins, the program director, says sophomore students are required to volunteer approximately 10 hours each semester on the Tech campus. The time requirement equals less than an hour a week, so as not to interfere with school and work responsibilities.
“Volunteering is a way for the University Honors sophomores to get to know a variety of people on campus, outside their own majors. It’s also such a good way for them to feel involved by helping with projects, special events, tutoring, etc.,” she said.
In past years since the requirement was designated in 2008, students have volunteered with the Tech Museum, Volunteer Action Council, English Language Institute, Upward Bound, Digital History Institute as well as many other places at Tech.
Jenkins says volunteering gives the students a chance to give back to Tech. “They benefit from a wonderful scholarship, so volunteer work gives them a chance to invest some of their time and attention in the behind-the-scenes activities necessary to keep Tech running smoothly.”
In all, the students volunteered more than 200 hours last semester. To find out more or to request volunteers, e-mail Dr. Jenkins at