IMPACT Connects With ATU Alumnus Through Giving

Abby Tate_Rodger Magness_Autumn Sanchez 2025
Photographed (from left-to-right): Abby Tate, Arkansas Tech University student and ATU IMPACT project director; Rodger Magness, ATU alumnus; and Autumn Sanchez, ATU student and ATU Behavioral Sciences Club member.

More than 600 items have been given to residents in local elder care facilities in recent months by the Arkansas Tech University Interdisciplinary Minds Performing Acts of Community Transformation (IMPACT) program.

IMPACT is a collective of students from the Alpha Kappa Delta sociology honor society, the Alpha Phi Sigma criminal justice honor society and the ATU Behavioral Sciences Club.

Most recently, students delivered Valentine’s Day gifts to Brookdale Senior Living in Russellville.

When organizing a delivery plan the week before, IMPACT faculty sponsor Dr. Jason Ulsperger met resident Rodger Magness, a linebacker for the Arkansas Tech Wonder Boys football team from 1974-78. To honor him, the students decided to bring a special crate of gifts, including an ATU shirt and blanket.

“I wanted to do something for the institutionalized elderly because I feel like people overlook their needs during the holiday season,” said Naomi Flores, ATU student and Alpha Kappa Delta president. “I suggested to everyone that we give cards and gifts to as many people as possible in nursing homes. We ended up going to five places. We really enjoyed spending time with residents, especially the ones without family around to visit them.”

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