Local Business Gifts Portion of PTTGG Display to ATU

JBT Donation 8-29-2024

JBT Corporation of Russellville donated a special piece of its 2024 Paint the Town Green and Gold decorations to Arkansas Tech University for future display on campus.

Personnel at JBT produced a 6-foot wide, 4-foot tall stainless steel cut out of the ATU logo. It helped JBT Corporation win the best outdoor display award in the 2024 Paint the Town Green and Gold community spirit competition presented by the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce and ATU.

The stainless steel cut out was received on behalf of Arkansas Tech by (far left) Abby Davis, ATU director of athletics. Representing JBT Corporation were (from left-to-right) Hank Huggins, JBT general manager; Brian Reavis, JBT manufacturing engineer; and Jose Navarrete, JBT electrical engineer.