Local Businesses Invited to Join Discount Program

Arkansas Tech University Russellville Campus Looking From North
Aerial photo of the Arkansas Tech University campus in Russellville.

Arkansas Tech University Student Government Association is working to revitalize its student discount program in the surrounding community by building relationships with local businesses.

“This is the first full-scale update of the student discount program since 2017,” said Kevin Solomon, ATU dean of student engagement. “SGA has plans to better publicize the discounts throughout the year by posting videos to social media featuring participating businesses.”

Solomon said each participating business will receive a new door cling for its storefront as a demonstration of its support for the program and ATU students.

Local businesses that wish to participate in the ATU SGA student discount program may register online at www.atu.edu/sga/discountreg.php.

There is no charge to local businesses that participate in the program.

Send e-mail to sga@atu.edu or call (479) 968-0376 for more information.