Students interested in seeking help with writing papers for classes now have a new option: the new Online Writing Lab.
Dr. Erin Clair, coordinator of Composition I and Writing Lab at Arkansas Tech, developed the Online Writing Lab, which is available to both Russellville and Ozark students.
The Online Writing Lab offers students to receive feedback on their papers through Blackboard. The online lab is a supplement to the Writing Lab in Witherspoon 365.
To register on the Blackboard Online Writing Lab site, any student can simply log in to Blackboard and follow the self-enrollment instructions. The organization/course is “Writing Lab” and the password is “bb9-enroll.”
“The online version allows student to receive help on their writing assignments while away from campus, and will hopefully be of particular use to our growing population of students taking online courses.” Clair said.
Both writing labs are staffed by Tech’s graduate students in the English program and managed by Howard West, an adjunct professor of English.
For more information about the Online Writing Lab, contact Dr. Erin Clair at