Phonathon to Begin February 20

The 2011 Arkansas Tech phonathon is set to begin on Sunday, February 20, and the student callers will spend the coming week training.

During the phonathon, the student callers will be contacting Arkansas Tech alumni and friends to update university records and ask for support.

The phonathon helps raise funds for the university to provide scholarships and departmental support, and last year’s phonathon raised more than $38,000 for the university.

In all, about 30 students have been selected to work as callers, and Kristin Smith, director of the Tech loyalty fund, says the students are the reason the phonathon is a success.

She adds, “The students play a pivotal part of the phonathon because they can tell the Arkansas Tech story better than anyone.  Our alumni are interested in hearing a student’s perspective on the campus and what all is taking place at Arkansas Tech.”

To find out more, contact Pam Cooper at pcooper@atu.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 479-498-6028 or Kristin Smith at ksmith@atu.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 479-968-0405.
