Renowned Classical Guitarist to Perform at ATU

Thu Le Classical Guitarist
Thu Le

Thu Le will perform the 2024 John and Trudy Watson Classical Guitar Series concert at Arkansas Tech University on Thursday, Sept. 19.

The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Witherspoon Auditorium, 407 West Q Street in Russellville. Admission will be free and open to the public. The event is sponsored by the John and Trudy Watson Annual Classical Guitar Series Endowment and the ATU Department of Music.

Thu is an international, award-winning classical guitarist and certified guitar teacher. Born in Hanoi, Vietnam, she currently lives in Bahrain.

Her wide-ranging repertoire includes baroque, classical, romantic, modern and Latin American styles in addition to playing compositions inspired by local traditions and cultures from around the world.

Thu began playing guitar at the age of 4 and gave her first public performance the following year.

She passed the entrance examination for the National Conservatory of Music at Hanoi at the age of 7, making her the youngest student ever admitted to the school.

Thu has gone on to tour extensively in Asia, Europe and North America. She has performed at such events as the Roma Expo Guitars trade show in Italy, the Guitar Federation of America Convention, the Joaquin Rodrigo Guitar Festival in Spain and the International Guitar Festival in India.

She released her latest studio recording, “Amor,” a collection of primarily Spanish and Latin American pieces, in September 2023.

The annual classical guitar concert at ATU is made possible through the generosity of Dr. John W. Watson, distinguished professor of mathematics and former vice president for academic affairs at ATU, and his wife, Trudy.

Those wishing to provide additional support for the series may do so with gifts to the Arkansas Tech University Foundation by calling (479) 968-0400.

Call (479) 968-0368 or visit to learn more about the ATU Department of Music.