Dr. Tim Smith, associate professor of music at Arkansas Tech University, will perform a faculty piano recital at Witherspoon Auditorium on Tuesday, Nov. 15.
The recital will begin at 7:30 p.m. Admission will be free and open to the public.
Smith will perform works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joaquin Turina and Franz Liszt.
A member of the Tech faculty since 1998, Smith earned a 2011 Arkansas Tech Faculty Award of Excellence in the scholarship/creative activity category. The Arkansas State Music Teachers Association selected him as the organization’s 2011 teacher of the year.
Smith teaches courses in applied piano, music theory, piano accompanying, keyboard literature and piano pedagogy at Arkansas Tech.
He is also a frequent accompanist for student and faculty recitals.
Smith completed his Bachelor of Music degree at St. Olaf College. He attained a Master of Music degree and a Ph.D. from Indiana University.
For more information about public performances by the Arkansas Tech Department of Music, call (479) 968-0368.
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