Students Tour Press Facility


Students enrolled in several graphic design classes at Arkansas Tech University are learning firsthand about the process involved in printing creative work.  The students recently toured the printing press at The Courier.

In all, 28 students participated in the tour of the facility, and David Meadows, publisher, conducted the tour for the students.

Students participating in the tour learned about the newspaper industry, the pre-press assembly and the print production process.

Edwin Cuenco, assistant professor of art, says the tour provided students with practical reinforcement of what they are learning in the classroom.

“There is no way to learn the tricks of the trade from listening to a lecture in a classroom, so being given the opportunity to be in the production field has been extremely beneficial for the students,” added Cuenco. “I think that this is a unique opportunity for our students, and I’m so thankful to be able to take advantage of it.”

Learn more about the Department of Art at Arkansas Tech.
