Take the Next Step: Leadership Tech Cohort 3

Barriers are being broken down and positive change for the better is happening among the Arkansas Tech University faculty and staff members engaged in the second cohort of Leadership Tech.

“In Leadership Tech, the things that tend to divide us like titles, departments and staff/faculty status melt away, leaving us to talk about the things that really matter — how to make Tech a better place,” said Angela Black, technical services librarian and Leadership Tech cohort two member. “The best part of the program is sometimes just being in the same room with a lot of brilliant, funny and diverse people from all over the two campuses, discussing the same questions, insecurities, revelations and concerns. Like everyone else, I never received a manual for how to be a leader, but Leadership Tech has given me practical supervisory skills, greater self-awareness and a rich network of mentors and friends to call when I need help. No trust falls necessary.”

The members of the second Leadership Tech cohort are participating in a two-year program. During the 2018-19 academic year, they will engage in collaborative, innovative projects to benefit Arkansas Tech.

Through Leadership Tech activities on the last Thursday of each month, participants are exposed to a different operating area of the university. Areas explored in recent months have included the Ozark campus and athletics. In the months to come, the cohort will learn details about student services, administration and finance, advancement and academic affairs, as well as information about how each of those organizations support each other, the leadership challenges they face and the overall mission of Arkansas Tech.

“Self-awareness, self-assessment and emotional intelligence are key foundations of leadership,” said Dr. Jeff Mott, one of the designers and facilitators of the Leadership Tech program. “Those fundamentals are critical to effective team building, which allows participants to construct a broader and deeper professional network across disciplines.”

Dr. Mary B. Gunter, interim chief of staff in the Office of the President, is also a principal designer of Leadership Tech and part of the program development team.

“Probably the most feedback I have received from cohort members is that they have the opportunity to get to know and develop relationships with people whom they might not have otherwise known,” said Gunter. “Ultimately, that builds leadership capacity across the university.”

Members of Leadership Tech cohort two are:

*Abby Davis, tennis coach/health and physical education instructor, Department of Athletics
*Amanda Johnson, employer relations coordinator, Norman Career Services
*Angela Black, technical services librarian, Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center
*Angela Crow, director of student accounts, Office of Student Accounts
*Catherine Nichols, associate professor, Center for Leadership and Learning
*Clay Wyllia, coordinator of alumni engagement, Office of Alumni Relations
*David Spicer, public safety officer, ATU-Ozark Student Services
*Efosa Idemudia, assistant professor, College of Business
*Greg Crouch, director of grants and sponsored programs (pre-award), Office of Sponsored Programs and University Initiatives
*Heather Taylor, associate director, Office of Financial Aid
*Jeff Robertson, dean, College of Health and Natural Sciences
*Jennifer Fleming, coordinator, Office of Affirmative Action and Title IX
*Johnette Moody, associate professor, Department of Computer and Information Science
*Kevin Solomon, interim associate dean for residence life, Division of Student Services
*Kim DuVall Renteria, visiting assistant professor of criminal justice, Department of Behavioral Sciences
*Linda Bean, interim dean, College of Education
*Linda Hensen-Jackson, visiting instructor/CSP undergraduate academic success coordinator, Department of College Student Personnel
*Lou Ann Reeves, business manager, Office of Budget
*Mohamed Abdelrahman, vice president for academic affairs, Office of Academic Affairs
*Patrick Hagge, assistant professor of geography, Department of History and Political Science
*Pete Kelly, visiting instructor, Department of Health and Physical Education
*Peter Clifton, maintenance assistant, ATU-Ozark Facilities Management
*Sam Strasner, director of university relations, University Marketing and Communicaiton
*Sandra Cheffer, director, Office of Budget
*Sandy Smith, head, Department of Emergency Management
*Sean Huss, professor of sociology, Department of Behavioral Sciences
*Thomas Nupp, professor of wildlife science, Department of Biological Sciences
*Tim Carter, head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Members of the Arkansas Tech faculty and staff interested in participating in Leadership Tech cohort three will receive nomination information in early February 2018.

“The opportunity to collaborate and experience a variety of leadership aspects with colleagues across campus is of immeasurable value,” said Dr. Linda Bean, interim dean of the College of Education. “It is not often that we get to work with a variety of positions across campus on multiple issues all leading toward the same direction — understanding and improving leadership. I value this opportunity.”

Learn more about Leadership Tech.