Tech Trumpets and Friends Concert Announced

The Arkansas Tech Department of Music is hosting “Tech Trumpets and Friends” to celebrate the trumpet.

The concert will held on Thursday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m. in Witherspoon Auditorium.

According to Professor of Music Dr. Gary Barrow, “Thursday night’s program will be part entertainment and part education including live performances, projected images and an extensive lobby exhibition.

The Tech Trumpet Ensemble will be featured along with guests from Russellville Jr. High, Southside High School, and Cabot South Jr. High.

The grand concert finale will be a massed trumpet performance of The Great Gate of Kiev. All the ensemble members will be joined on stage by trumpet professionals from around the state, with more than 40 players expected to take the stage.

One of several featured guests at the concert will be Arkansas Tech graduate Josh Ray, who will conduct the Southside Trumpet Ensemble.

The Witherspoon lobby gallery trumpet exhibit is arranged in two parts, The Evolution of Trumpets and A Chronology of Trumpet Stars. Artifacts include authentic and historical replicas of ancestors of the modern trumpet.

The concert is free to the public. For further information please contact Dr. Gary Barrow at 968-0477.
