This One’s For Korey: Wear Gold on September 16

Korey Brooke Heath Dean Hall Courtyard
File photo of Korey Brooke Heath in the Dean Hall Courtyard during her time as a nursing student at Arkansas Tech University.

Faculty members from the Arkansas Tech University College of Education and Health have invited the ATU community to wear gold on Monday, Sept. 16, in support of the Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month initiative by the American Childhood Cancer Organization.

“Everyone is encouraged to wear gold to acknowledge the kids and families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis, to raise awareness of the disease and to emphasize the importance of supporting families and childhood cancer research,” said Dr. Jeremy Schwehm, ATU professor and program director of organizational studies.

Schwehm is joined in organizing the effort by Dr. Karmen Goodner, ATU assistant professor of nursing.

The cause took on special meaning for the ATU College of Education and Health due to the influence of former ATU nursing student Korey Brooke Heath. She was diagnosed with medulloblastoma as a child and had a recurrence of cancer during her senior year at ATU. Heath passed away in 2023.

In conjunction with Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, an effort is underway to establish the Korey Brooke Heath Memorial Scholarship in Nursing at ATU.

Those wearing gold on Monday, Sept. 16, are invited to gather for a group photo at noon in the Dean Hall Courtyard, future site of the Korey Heath Memorial Garden.

Learn more about Heath at

To donate to the scholarship, visit

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