Trustees gave their initial approval for the development of a Master of Business Administration degree at Arkansas Tech University during a meeting at the Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center on Thursday.
“Structured for the business graduate, this degree focuses on preparing the student for executive and managerial-level decision making,” wrote Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman, vice president for academic affairs, in a memorandum presented to the Arkansas Tech Board of Trustees.
The letter of intent approved by the board states that the degree will consist of 10 three-hour courses that will be delivered online through the Russellville campus of Arkansas Tech. Pending university and Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board approvals of a forthcoming detailed program proposal, it is anticipated that the Arkansas Tech MBA program will begin in fall 2017.
Also on Thursday, trustees approved letters of intent for a Bachelor of Science degree in cybersecurity and an Associate of Applied Science degree in cybersecurity through the Russellville campus. Both degree programs have a scheduled start date of fall 2017.
A letter of intent brought forth by the Ozark campus of Arkansas Tech seeking to offer its Associate of Applied Science degree in logistics management online gained approval from the board, as did a letter of intent to create a Certificate of Proficiency in jail standards.
The development of stand-alone Associate of Applied Science degree programs in air conditioning and refrigeration (with an additional option in facilities management), automotive service technology and welding technology at Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus received a green light as well. Those disciplines were previously consolidated under an Associate of Applied Science degree in general technology.
In other business on Thursday, the Arkansas Tech Board of Trustees approved:
*parking regulations and student handbooks for the Russellville and Ozark campuses for the 2016-17 academic year;
*implementation of an out-of-state tuition waiver program for the following degrees offered through the Arkansas Tech Graduate College effective spring 2017: Master of Science in engineering, Master of Science in information technology and Master of Science in emergency management and homeland security;
*certificates of authorization designating the proper individuals to conduct or approve all necessary and proper banking transactions for the university;
*purchase of property at 901-903 North El Paso Avenue in Russellville for $135,000 for future development by the university;
*authorization for the institution to pursue any legal remedies that may exist against the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) regarding the forfeiture of wins penalty imposed as a result of NCAA Division II Infractions Case No. 00174, the NCAA’s Division II Committee on Infractions Decision No. 421 and/or the NCAA’s Infractions Appeals Committee decision in Report No. 421;
*a wider easement to Oklahoma Gas and Electric along Helberg Lane at Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus to comply with the National Electric Code;
*a transfer from Arkansas Tech Career Center unappropriated funds in the amount of $179,155 to fund supplies and equipment purchases;
*a prior learning assessment policy for Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus to award credit toward an appropriate technical certificate and/or an associate degree based on an individual’s industry credential and/or institutional challenge exam;
*and a change in the date for the board meeting scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016, to Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016, at 1 p.m.
In personnel matters, trustees approved hiring the following new full-time faculty members on the Russellville campus for the 2016-17 academic year:
*Dr. Turaj Ashuri, assistant professor of mechanical engineering; Lisa DuBose, visiting instructor of nursing; Holli Hall, visiting instructor of biology; Dr. Muhammad Safeer Khan, assistant professor of electrical engineering; Dr. Kevin Schoelz, visiting assistant professor of physics; Dr. Michael B. Smith, visiting assistant professor of history; Jordan Thibodeaux, assistant professor of psychology; John R. Walker, visiting instructor of agriculture; Daniel Warwick, visiting assistant professor of psychology; and Matthew Young, assistant professor of electrical engineering.
These new full-time faculty appointments were confirmed for the Ozark campus:
*Elijah Knudsen, workforce education in EMT/paramedic; and Tangela Melton, workforce education in licensed practical nursing;
These new full-time faculty appointments were confirmed for Arkansas Tech Career Center:
*Mitchell Brashears, visiting workforce education faculty aide in auto service technology; Lanita Bruce, workforce education faculty in health science technology; Christopher Harkness, workforce education faculty in automation technologies and robotics; Dillin Hill, workforce education faculty in metal fabrication; Amanda Jones, workforce education faculty in culinary arts; Tristan Teague, workforce education faculty in mobile apps and web technologies; Jessica Thompson, workforce education faculty in health science technology; and Sarena Wyers, workforce education faculty in emergency medical services.
The board approved the following administrative staff appointments:
*Paul Battles, chemistry laboratory manager and safety officer, effective July 5, 2016; Josh Bertke, assistant softball coach, effective July 19, 2016; Cynthia Bunch, STEM Institute science specialist, effective Aug. 15, 2016; Laura Flake, director of teacher education student services, effective July 5, 2016; Tara Granberry, coordinator of assignments and communications in the Office of Residence Life, effective July 1, 2016; Tiffany Henry, grant coordinator in the Office of Sponsored Programs and University Initiatives, effective Aug. 12, 2016; Kara Johnson, coordinator of leadership and service in the Office of Campus Life, effective July 1, 2016; Colette McFalls, assistant dean of students in the Office of Residence Life, effective June 27, 2016; and Kadem Tharp, assistant baseball coach, effective Aug. 15, 2016.
Trustees accepted the following resignations:
*Dr. Abdel-Hameed Badawy, assistant professor of electrical engineering, effective June 17, 2016; Dr. Zhi Chen, assistant professor of electrical engineering, effective July 14, 2016; Cody Dare, workforce education faculty in culinary arts, effective June 2, 2016; Dr. Marc Fusaro, associate professor of economics, effective Aug. 15, 2016; Jenny Hardin, academic advisor, effective Aug. 31, 2016; Chip Porter, facility manager at Lake Point Conference Center, effective Aug. 17, 2016; and Charles Summerhill, workforce education full-time instructional aide, effective June 30, 2016.
The board accepted the retirements of the following faculty members:
*Dr. Michael Benefield, associate professor of finance, effective May 13, 2017; Dr. M. Diane Gleason, associate professor of history, effective May 13, 2017; and Randy Renfro, visiting assistant professor of agriculture, effective July 4, 2016.